Route and Access to Ijen Plateau

Route and Access to Ijen Plateau

Ijen Plateau (Kawah Ijen) is located in Banyuwangi regency, east Java, Indonesia and it is one of the best Indonesia tourism that is need to be visited. However, you need to know the route and access to Ijen Plateau first, before to take vacation to this tourism.

Route and Access to Ijen Plateau From Bondowoso and Banyuwangi.

If you love adventures and nature, then Ijen Crater must be a perfect place for you. It is located in Banyuwangi, East Java. It has become one of the best tourism places that can attract tourists’ attention including local and foreign tourist. However, if you want to get there, you need to know the access to Ijen properly. If you are not joining the tour and travels, you need to learn it carefully so you can enjoy it very much. Actually, the route and access to Ijen Plateau can be divided into two parts as the following:

Route and access From Bondowoso East Java

There are two alternative routes to Ijen Plateau. The first is from Bondowoso and another route is Banyuwangi itself. Nowadays, it is not hard to find the way to go to Ijen since many types of vehicles can be used. However, many of them choose to go with public transportation to enjoy the view during their journey to get new experiences.

The destination has 64 km from Bondowoso. However, the public transportation won’t get you there since it is too far and you need to spend more money. You can get to Blawan that has about 17 km from the location. If you want to get there by bus, then you need to ride minibus from bus terminal in Bondowoso to Sempol, Blawan or Kaligedang.

Usually, the bus will depart on 11.00 am, 04.00 pm and it will take about three to four hours to the location based on the road conditions. However, you don’t need to worry about the price since it is very cheap and you save more money. If you can’t make it to the bus terminal, then you can have another alternative vehicle. You can try car or motorcycle by charter system that will depart based on your own schedule.

After arriving to coffee plantation, you need to find the guide that will bring you to the Paltuding by car or motorcycle. Also, at Paltuding, you need to ride motorcycle to Ijen Plateau and go back to your starting place.

Route and access from Banyuwangi

Going to Ijen Plateau is much closer than other places since Ijen is in Banyuwangi. However, the road is very steep so you need to be careful. Usually, the tourists will spend a night before climbing to Ijen. The reason behind it is they want to recover and refuel their energy from a long journey. Also, to prepare themselves to get ready in climbing Ijen.

Many people choose to stay a night at the plantation since they will get new experience to live in the garden. If you want know the farmers harvest the coffee from plantation. Then you need to go to Ijen during August until October. You can also join them in harvesting the plants. Learn more about coffee plantation while spending your night before going to Ijen.

By learning the route and access to Ijen Plateau, hope you can choose to better way. So you will not spend much money for transportation and you can enjoy the beauty of the best tourism destination in East Java.

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AWAN TOUR & Travel serves Tour Package Bromo, Ijen Tours, Semeru Hiking, Banyuwangi Tours, Surabaya & Malang City Tours; by Shared or Private Trip, with the best & Cheap Price!

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